Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shut Up and Let Me Go

I "Accidentally" bought a new camera this past week.... I honestly really didn't mean to do it. I think sub-consciously I may have but I didn't think it was gonna happen until I won the ebay auction that I put a ridiculously low bid on. I had a small heart attack when I opened my email to find the "Congratulations, you have just won this item.  Please pay"....   I
I'm now the proud owner of a Nikon D300 and I couldn't be more thrilled!!! I'm having so much fun with it I can barely sleep at night. It did take me about 2 days to work up the courage to tell Joe though.... Aaaand I did it over the phone. So much for that courage!  Joe was super excited about it though so I shouldn't have been worried.  He's the best husband ever!

Here is a picture of my poor, very unhappy, puppy. Don't worry though, she gets treats every time I take her picture. The whole time I was taking her pictures I was thinkin of the Ting Tings song "Shut Up and Let Me Go"!! I'm sure if she liked music she would have the same song playing in her head.  From the looks she was giving me I'm sure that's exactly what she was thinking!  hahahha... She definitely wasn't very thrilled with any part of process.


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